Cu 210.408 de motociclete și de scutere vândute în 2024, BMW Motorrad a reușit să obțină cele mai mari vânzări din istoria companiei.
Germania rămâne cea mai mare piață pentru companie, o pondere semnificativă în vânzările BMW Motorrad fiind deținută și de țările europene, SUA, Asia și America Latină.
Bavarazii păstrează un portofoliul convingător de produse pentru fiecare segment, lansând și noi modele care s-au bucurat de succes, precum puternicele BMW M 1000 XR, S 1000 XR, alături de BMW
My attraction to the Aerostich one-piece Roadcrafter riding suit (Stich) is born from years of commuting to work and traveling to and riding across different continents. In fact, I have been riding with ‘Stich one-piece suits for nearly two decades. During that time, my admiration for the ‘Stich has continually grown. Here’s what it has been like.
The Original Aerostich Roadcrafter One-Piece Suit
When Aerostich’s Roadcrafter one-piece suit was released, it was designed to protect motorcycle-ri
Every time we run a story about a CT-series motorcycle, we get a bunch of comments about the older bikes that ADVers owned in the 1960s and 1970s. Everyone recalls how tough the bikes were, and how their dual-range gearbox would let them go anywhere. Here’s a video showing that outdoor fun, or at least, Honda marketing’s version of that.
Today, the powersports world is its own thing, but back in the middle of the 20th century, the Big Four used to market to big game hunters and other outdoorsm
We recently told you about Triumph’s phenomenal sales growth in 2024. However, Triumph isn’t the only brand that set new internal sales records. Motorcycles Data reports that the Indian manufacturer Royal Enfield‘s global sales reached nearly 1M units and expects that the brand will exceed that mark in 2025.
The company has seen remarkable growth since 2013, when it completed a new manufacturing plant in Oragadam, India. Before the plant was completed, Royal Enfield’s global sales amounted to o
Surprisingly few people knew where and when Australia’s first motorcycle Grand Prix race was held before the 100th Anniversary celebration was announced last year. No, it wasn’t at Phillip Island or even in Bathurst. It was in Goulburn, 200 kilometers south of Sydney, in 1924. But apart from the presence of state-of-the-art motorcycles and their daring, skilled riders it wasn’t much like the present-day events.
Goulburn was no stranger to motorcycle racing in the early 1920s. The first Australi
Când vine vorba despre etriere moto știm că acestea sunt montate fie axial, fie radial, pe furca motocicletei. Cum ar fi însă că furca și etierul să fie integrate? O întrebare la care au răspuns Showa și Nissin.
Ideea este atât de simplă și de frumoasă, încât, chiar și dacă nu ești inginer proiectant, te întrebi de ce nu am avut eu cum de nu s-a gândit nimeni la asta până acum. Iată că s-au gândit cei de la Hitachi Astemo și dacă nimeni nu prea a auzit până acum de ei, exact asta este treaba
In the US, the topic of lane filtering (often called lane splitting; note there is a difference) can cause some very animated discussions. However, the practice is only legal in a smattering of states. Where it is legal, the conditions under which you can lane filter vary. So, it’s currently a mishmash of can-do and can’t-do as far as lane filtering/splitting is concerned. Other countries allow the practice to varying degrees, and recently, one European nation made lane filtering legal across th
Yamaha Motor Romania anunță extinderea garanției din fabrică la 3 ani (fără limită de kilometri) pentru toate motocicletele şi scuterele noi comercializate începând cu Ianuarie 2025.
„Această inițiativă evidențiază dorința producătorului din Iwata de a îmbunătăți constant experiența clienților noștri – de la design inovator la fiabilitate tehnologică, Yamaha continuă să inspire şi să ofere libertatea de a explora lumea fără griji.”, ne transmite echipa Yamaha România.
Iată câteva
The true rally raid keeners have known about this for a while now, but in case you missed it, entry is now open for the 2025 Baja Rally.
What’s the Baja Rally?
The Baja Rally runs on the Baja Peninsula as the name implies. It’s not a short-duration race like the SCORE series races (Baja 1000, San Felipe 250, etc.). The Baja Rally runs over multiple days and is structured like a mapbook-managed rally raid.
This year’s race runs September 28—October 4, headquartered out of Hotel Mision Santa Ma
It’s no surprise to most motorcyclists that riding can have a positive impact on their well-being. Several organizations use motorcycling to help people with their mental health, one of which is the Motorcycle Relief Project, which is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Their mission is to help veterans and first responders with PTSD heal.
They do this by taking them on structured week-long adventure motorcycle relief rides. The rides are intended to offer relief from life’s struggles and the ch
Scuterele din gama XMAX sunt unele dintre cele mai de succes scutere sport produse vreodată, iar pentru 2025, in variantele Tech MAX și nou lansată Tech MAX +, ele se bucură de specificații îmbunătățite.
Lansate în Europa în 2004, modelele XMAX au fost printre cele mai de succes scutere sport, vânzându-se în peste 166.000 de unități. Din 2017, XMAX a fost cumpărat de peste 248.000 de clienți de pe piețele Asean (Asociația Națiunilor din Asia de Sud Est) și s-a vândut în aproape 22.000 de unit
The LA wildfires continue today, with at least 27 people dead so far, about 60 square miles burned, and more than 12,000 structures burned. Many of the areas we talked about in this story last spring have been reduced to ashes, and given that this is where America’s moto industry is based, people you know from motorcycle videos or writing have been evacuated and even lost their homes.
This is real-world, hard stuff.
One of the people affected by the fires is filmmaker Van Neistat. He’s uploade
Daniel Sanders is the champion at the 2025 Dakar Rally, and it never was even really a question the whole race long. It’s his first overall win at the rally raid race, and the 20th victory for KTM.
Sanders won the prologue stage and never looked back. The Aussie rider led the race from Day 1 en route to victory, something that hasn’t happened since Marc Coma did it in 2009. Although Sanders didn’t win every stage, he won more than anyone else has in a good long while and he played the strategy
LiveWire has revealed its fourth and newest model, the Alpinista. It’s the third bike based on LiveWire’s S2 architecture, which the brand hopes will boost sales of its electric motorcycles. Up until this point, the LiveWire brand has seemed to wander its way around the electric motorcycle segment with no real target audience. So it’s up to LiveWire and the new Alpinista to attract a wider audience. And on its face, perhaps it will.
S2 Architecture
Up until the Alpinista, LiveWire used the S2
Today’s racing was cut down by fog; the stage started late and ended early. With limited time, Honda’s Tosha Schareina managed to cut the lead of first-place Daniel Sanders by seven-and-a-half minutes by blazing to the daily win, but that wasn’t enough. Tomorrow, on the super-short mass-start special, Schareina would have to make up another 9 minutes on Sanders—and over 61 klicks, that ain’t happening. Chucky will come home with first-place hardware tomorrow.
After the stage, Schareina acknowle
Things are looking up for the German motorcycle industry. Earlier in the year, there were fears that sales would continue to decline as bikes got more expensive and interest in motorcycling dwindled. But by year’s end, those fears proved to be unfounded. According to the annual statistics of the German Motorcycle Industry Association, the 2024 motorcycle market has grown by 34,487 units. The spike represents a 16 percent percent increase and total sales of 246,870 newly registered motorcycles an
Rumoare în lumea hard enduro: Taddy Blazusiak a încheiat contractul cu Stark Varg
În vârstă de 41 de ani, legendarul motociclist polonez a publicat un anunț șoc pe social media:
“Vă informez că începand cu data de 15.01.2025 reziliez unilateral contractul cu firma Stark Future si refuz sa concurez in urmatoarele curse. De asemenea, vreau să îmi exprim scuzele pentru evenimentul petrecut la GP Germaniei, care nu a fost intenția mea și a fost cauzat de reacția imprevizibilă a motocicletei.”
Filmele despre pierderi și vindecare ne ating inima prin modul în care abordează durerea, suferința și procesul de regenerare emoțională. Aceste pelicule ne arată că, chiar și în fața celor mai grele momente ale vieții, există speranță, vindecare și o cale de urmat. Fiecare poveste explorează diverse forme de pierdere – fie că este vorba de moarte, despărțire sau alte tipuri de doliu – și cum personajele înfruntă și depășesc aceste provocări. Iată câteva dintre cele mai bune filme care tratează
Anul acesta cursa Ziua B împlinește 11 ediții. Este o vârstă venerabilă pe care puține concursuri de ciclism cross country din România au reușit să o împlinească. Asta arată că evenimentul este nu doar popular printre participanți, dar și bine organizat.
Pentru 2025 organizatorii anunță că jumătate din taxa de participare este donată pentru cauza copiilor care suferă de sindromul CLOVES, concursul având loc pe 5 aprilie. Așadar participând la Ziua B nu doar faci o cursă prin pădure ci fa
Michael Docherty was the top rider today, taking the Stage 10 win, only the second Rally2 rider to ever win a stage. The stage was more than 500 kilometers long, including 117 kilometers of tricky sand riding. But Docherty, who lives close to this area and is able to train here regularly, took the stage win by 1’20”.
Michael Docherty lives next door to the Empty Quarter, in the United Arab Emirates, so he was familiar with the conditions he’d be riding in. Photo: Dakar Rally
“I enjoyed being b
As of this past Sunday (January 12, 2025), you no longer have to wait until Dakar or EnduroCross to get your fill of dirt on MAVTV. Off-Road Travel TV promises a weekly dose of off-road adventures of all kinds. If you’re old enough to remember The Wonderful World of Disney, think of this as The Wonderful World of Off-Road.
This is the first weekly 30-minute magazine-style show on national cable aimed directly at the off-road and overland audience. In addition to motorcycles, the show features f
John Bloor’s Triumph Motorcycles has been in comeback mode since the 1990s. While he purchased the brand in 1983, production of the new-era machines didn’t begin until June 1990. But since then, the British motorcycle manufacturer has been honing its build quality and diversifying its model lineup with a 2024 range of 17 different motorcycle models. And if 2024’s sales are an indicator, it seems their efforts have paid off.
According to Motorcycles Data (MD), Triumph’s global sales hit its fift
KTM aduce întăriri pe segmentul supermoto. Austriecii tocmai ce au prezentat KTM 125 SMC R și KTM 390 SMC R.
Austriecii au renunțat la designul împins la extrem, care caracterizează majoritatea modelelor mai mari. Iată un supermoto care pare să împace aspectul clasic cu tușele moderne de design. Sistemul de evacuare a fost anume proiectat încât să nu necesite o tobă finală „clasică”. Rezultatul? Două kilograme în minus!
Ați observat poate că nu am scris aproape nimic despre perioada dificil