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Pennsylvania Considers Motorcycle Lemon Law



Pennsylvania is considering new legislation that will give motorcycles “lemon law” protection.  Presently, the state’s lemon law only applies to automobiles.  State Representative Pam Snyder-Carmichaels (D) thinks that the law should apply to motorcycles as well.

In her co-sponsorship memo for the legislation, Snyder-Carmichaels said:

“We need to ensure that this investment is safe for the rider and for the motoring public.”

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill providing lemon law protection in 2017.  But that bill was never brought to the Senate floor for a vote.  So when the 2019-2020 legislative session began, the Pennsylvania House quickly passed it again.

Pennsylvania Lemon Law

Motorcycles sit in front of the Pennsylvania Capitol Building. Photo credit: PENNLIVE.com

The bill now sits in the Senate’s Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee.  Unfortunately, it could languish there and never reach the Senate floor.

As motorcycle prices escalate, motorcycle prices can equal or dwarf the cost of automobiles.  Some people count on their motorcycles for transportation to and from work.  The machines are not only for recreation.

Seemingly, these facts alone would prompt Pennsylvania legislators to at least bring the bill forward for a vote.  But the bill still sits in committee with no schedule for review on the Senate floor.

Pennsylvania residents who want the bill to go forward should contact their respective legislators.  Let them know that you want the bill considered and passed.  With bikes costing many thousands of dollars, Pennsylvania motorcycle owners deserve lemon law protection.





Vezi sursa


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