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This Just In: 2022 Zero Motorcycles




Zero Motorcycles, the current world leader in electric motorbikes, has released a partial lineup of their 2022 models. 

This is a smart move on their part. Even though the new motorcycles are not seeing huge updates in charge time or range, the early release will still spur purchases.

The press release from Zero states “unprecedented demand” for electric motorcycles. The global pandemic has spurred an uptick in motorcycling that has “lifted all boats,” so to speak, with electric bikes among the most sought-after.

Why Go Electric?

A lot of established riders still seem to be holding out for longer range before they take the electric bike plunge. New riders, however, won’t have the same wants and needs. The work-from-home revolution is also showing a lot of us how much we don’t actually need to go anywhere. Lots of commutes have been cut to zero (no pun intended), so motorcycles can be pure toys now, with no strict commute mileage needs.

Instead of delaying shipment and holding out for further updates, Zero is pushing out three new model updates now. These things are selling like hotcakes. So Zero has updated the easy stuff and hit the ship button.

What’s New?

The new-for-2022 Zero S, DS, and DSR all have the updated operating system called “Cypher II.” Those of us who have been riding a while may pause at a motorcycle even having an operating system, but the more computerized everything gets, the more your motorcycle is going to work like a computer! Zero claims it “orchestrates all of the motorcycles’ subsystems into a transformational riding experience.”

These models also now feature the full-color “optically-bonded” 5” TFT screen for 2022, borrowed from the recently-released Zero FXE. Parts-bin engineering or fleetwide update? Why not both?

What Remains the Same?

The raw numbers are the same as 2021. Why mess with success?

The Zero S naked street bike boasts an 89 mile range on a full charge, a top speed of 98mph with 78 ft/lb of torque and 46hp. The Zero DS (DS for Dual Sport) claims the same top speed, hp and torque, but an 82 mile range. Both are powered by the same 7.2 kWh battery equipped “Z-Force 75-5” electric motor. They are both priced at $11,195. The DSR (“The R-type variant of the DS!” which means… racing, maybe?) gets its zoomies from the “Z-Force 75-7” motor and a 14.4 kWh battery. The DSR’s top speed is 102mph, and gets there with 70hp and 116 ft/lb of torque. It claims a range of 163 miles, and retails for $15,965.

Vezi sursa


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