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Orange Chocolate Cake


437 vizualizări

Instead of beads, I'm back with something sweet I made for Women's Day.

I made the dough for my chocolate cake and baked a cake and some cupcakes from it, too.

Then I made an orange cream and here is the finished orange chocolate cake, decorated of course with orange slices:

And here is a section just for you!

I My Sweet God, it was heavenly!!! I love cookies and cakes and sweets!

And I love chocolate!

The cream was so... creamy, with orange juice and zest and pieces of orange and heavy cream in it. And the cake... well... it was made with cocoa and chocolate. Yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course, I made a lot of cream, too much cream. And didn't know what to do with it. So I took some savoiardi, soaked them in coffee and lined them up in a bowl, then covered them in orange cream, took some cupcakes, sliced them up and put them on top of the cream and then decorated with whipped cream and orange slices. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, this was sooooo good, too!


I don't know about you, but me... I stuff myself at week-ends, and then try to loose that weight during the week. Just to start over again on Fridays!!!

I hope you enjoyed my cakes. I will gladly send you the recipe, should you like to give it a try!

xo see ya!





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