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Women’s Coalition Of Motorcyclists Surveying Barriers


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The Women’s Coalition of Motorcyclists (WCM) is asking female riders and potential future female riders to help them understand the key challenges hindering women from becoming and staying motorcyclists.

In keeping with its mission statement:

“The WCM will increase the participation of females in all disciplines of motorcycling
as it grows the number of motorcyclists overall.”

WCM has developed three surveys on topics (with a fourth coming) that are important to female riders.  The topics are:

  1. Rider Training
  2. Motorcycle Design
  3. Motorcyclist Safety Gear and Apparel
  4. Motorcycle Dealership Operations (survey in development)

As you can imagine, the surveys are essential for several reasons. Rider training, motorcycle safety gear, and motorcycle design are largely based on male riders. WCM believes that trainers, motorcycle and motorcycle safety gear designers need to understand the issues that female motorcyclists and potential female motorcyclists face.

The organization thinks that these four topics are essential to understanding and developing the number of female riders now and in the future. A women’s point of view is important if the motorcycling community wants the population of female motorcyclists to grow.  And the more riders there are, the more likely our great sport will continue. If you are a female residing in North America, the WCM wants to hear from you.

Participation seems pretty straightforward. All you need to provide is an email address, and you can immediately start the surveys.  The survey is in a multiple-choice format for each topic.  And they concentrate on finding out what is important to female riders.

Helping more riders join the ranks of motorcycling from any group is an important goal. If you are a female rider, or a female deciding whether to become a rider, the WCM is giving you an opportunity to make your voice heard.

Vezi sursa

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