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Time Running Out for Green Lane Comments


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Time is running out for UK riders to make their voices heard about the potential closure of green lanes and byways to privately owned recreational vehicles. The UK’s Department for Environment, Food, & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is accepting comments to its “Consultation on the Landscapes Review” only through April 9th, 2022.

DEFRA’s consultation is concerning because it not only includes whether or not the government should legislate restrictions on the recreational use of motor vehicles on unsealed and minor tarmac (paved) roads but also extends the question to other lands.

Landscapes Review

Although the Landscapes Review itself does not discuss the use of motor vehicles, it does ask questions that may significantly effect your riding rights. There is a section on “managing visitor pressures,” which discusses the impact of recreational riding on green lanes.

Particularly, questions 13 through 17 ask the following questions and request that you provide the reasons for your selected response:

Question 13.

Do you support any of the following options to grant National Park Authorities and the Broads Authority greater enforcement powers to manage visitor pressures? Tick all that apply.
– Issue Fixed Penalty Notices for bylaw infringements
– Make Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs)
– Issue Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) to control the amount and type of traffic on roads
Please give reasons for your answer

Question 14.

Should we give National Park Authorities and the Broads Authority, and local highway authorities additional powers to restrict recreational motor vehicle use on unsealed routes?
– Yes
– NO
– Unsure
Please give reasons for your answer

Question 15.

For which reasons should National Park Authorities, the Broads Authority, and local authorities exercise this power? (select all that apply)
– Environmental protection
– Prevention of damage
– Nuisance
– Amenity
Other (please state)

Question 16.

Should we legislate to restrict the use of motor vehicles on unsealed, unclassified roads for recreational use, subject to appropriate exemptions?
– Yes – everywhere
– Yes – in National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, only
– Yes – in National Parks, only
– NO
– Unsure
Please give reasons for your answer

Question 17.

What exemptions do you think would be required to protect the rights and enjoyment of other users, e.g., residents, businesses, etc.?
Please give reasons for your answer.

Questions 13, 14, and 16 directly point to enforcement authority and access restrictions regarding recreational vehicles. While they don’t say directly, it’s clear that the two questions intend to control access and empower law enforcement.


Image credit: British Motorcyclists Federation

Some things to think about

While the thought of closing green lanes might make your blood boil, it’s important to be on point in an appropriate and measured fashion. Comments that are aggressive, abusive, or defamatory will not help, nor will they be given any weight by the Government.

In responding, the BMF offers the following suggestions:

Be polite, restrained, and measured. Responses that are aggressive, dismissive, abusive, or defamatory will be disregarded.

  • Respond as a member of the public and not a member of an organization.
  • Use your own words to make your response personal and individual.
  • Please keep your response focused. Be succinct and authentic. Talk about the things you feel strongly about.
  • Remember to make it very clear which questions your comments relate to (13-17).
  • Do not offer additional information for questions 13 and 15.
  • Never cut and paste your answers from this or other documents; use your own words.

Offering your thoughts and insights

There are a couple of ways to offer your thoughts and insights. 1. You can respond using DEFRA’s online questionnaire.   2. Or, if you have the time, you can email your responses to [email protected].

If you are short on time, completing DEFRA’s online questionnaire is your best bet. For your response, the BMF suggests the following:

  • After filling out your personal information, ONLY respond to questions 13 through 17.
  • Be polite, restrained, and measured. Responses that are aggressive, dismissive, abusive, or defamatory will be disregarded.
  • Respond as a member of the public and not a member of an organization.
  • Use your own words to make your response personal and individual.
  • Keep your response focused. Be succinct and speak authentically about the things you feel strongly about.
  • Remember to make it very clear which questions your comments relate to (13-17).
  • Never cut and paste your answers from other’s documents; use your own words.

Personal email

But, if you have the time, a well-written and reasoned email is the better approach since you are not constrained by the limitations of the government’s form. An email response will let you introduce your personal and potentially alternative perspectives that the questionnaire will not let you provide. Once you have your thoughts in order, send the email to [email protected] (advrider.com)

Things to consider when responding:

  • Your personal circumstances and relationship with the countryside, including your love of it and that motorcycling on Green Roads, is about embracing the countryside, not destroying it.
  • Include any relevant professional / vocational experience of green roads and countryside access.
  • Responsible motorcyclists share the government’s aim of preserving the countryside, including the network of Green Roads for everyone to enjoy.
  • Your concerns on how the government response strays from the spirit of the Landscape Review (which doesn’t mention vehicles) and Landscapes for Everyone, targeting motorcycling on Green Roads.
  • How you believe your motorcycling on Green Roads contributes to rural and national economies with your chosen pastime.
  • How you and your fellow motorcyclists contribute to vital local conservation and community projects.
  • That you already feel discriminated against due to motorcycling on unsealed roads already being severely restricted with 350,000 miles of highway available, 120,000 of which is already traffic-free, leaving less than 2% (6000) available for you to enjoy.
  • Why you choose to enjoy the countryside on a motorcycle.
  • How you successfully and safely share the green roads with other users when using them.
  • How green roads offer you a safer environment in which to motorcycle.
  • How accessing the countryside helps your physical and mental health, including how any personal circumstances might prohibit you from accessing the countryside otherwise.
  • How you believe motorized vehicles are an essential part of natural countryside cultural heritage.
  • How you believe that the actions of a minority of irresponsible users should not curtail your preferred way to access the countryside.
  • Your recognition that countryside routes need to be managed and that you accept this might involve proportionate restrictions on a minority of routes.
  • Your support for the idea of greater access to the countryside, including more traffic-free routes – without the detriment of motorcycle access.
  • How you believe you contribute to rural and national economies with your chosen pastime.
  • How you believe that industrial and agricultural pollution poses a far greater threat to the countryside than motorcycling.
  • Why you believe agriculture and forestry generate a similar level of noise in the countryside, and with electric motorcycles, noise levels will drop to almost silent.


No one likes to think about more areas being closed to recreational vehicles. However, if you want your voice heard before the rules are made, you have to respond no later than April 9th!



Vezi sursa

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