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News From Ural: Demo Days, Deals … And Engine Updates?


31 vizualizări

Ural Motorcycles has been making basically the same machine for a long, long time, but in the past decade, the Russian-moved-to-Kazakhstan company (with its headquarters in the US PNW) has been modernizing its lineup with updates like EFI. Now, according to some cryptic lines in their latest PR email, it seems they’re working on upgrading their flat twin engine.

The note is prefaced by an explanation that the company has been tied up with overhauling its business for the past couple of years; moving the factory to Kazakhstan was a major endeavor, no doubt! And then we get this:

In cooperation with O.M.I. Srl an Italian engineering company and aRacer SpeedTek, a Taiwanese specialist in engine management systems, we started a big project to develop and implement some long overdue changes to our motorcycle. Please don’t get too excited just yet, the changes won’t come to live tomorrow.

What could this mean? We’d guess an overhaul to the Ural engine’s top end, perhaps a turbo? O.M.I. Srl works with a lot of different technologies, including aerospace sector stuff, air compressors, aftercoolers, and lots more. Maybe we’ll get a bit more info with their next month’s email.


Photo: Ural

Demo days

Ural has demo days coming up for the next three Saturdays in 2024: April 20, April 27, and May 4. Urals are not exactly common on the ground, so this is your chance to get some actual seat time on a machine if you want to ride one before putting money down! You can find a list of participating dealerships here.

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